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OIF Consortium proposal

To utilize production resources of The Climate Restorers, produced by Transmediavision USA, Inc (TMV) to support the aims of the Ocean Iron Fertilization Consortium (OIFC).



Broadcasting of The Climate Restorers will undoubtably have positive effects on the subject of climate restoration and OIF in public and policy perception.  However, fundraising for OIF research requires a broad tool set. These include short, clear, visual, statistical, emotionally relatable elements.

One of the roadblocks to climate restoration is that people sometimes feel it gives a 'free pass' to industry, or society as a whole, to keep emitting.  Pushback is broad spectrum, coming from the scientific community, conservation groups, and the general activist public to name a few. These challenges are mainly due to a lack of understanding around the science, the experimental methods, and that OIF and climate restoration are meant to work in tandem with, not instead of other initiatives.

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Custom presentations

Although the end goal of saving the climate, society and all life is (or should be) common to all of us, there’s an infinite range of opinions on how to approach that goal. Each engagement with a potential funder needs to be individualized, taking into account their level of understanding, their business and background, and what appears to be most important to them.


The process of creating the media tools to support these engagements are also a valuable process for the OIFC.

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TMV can produce a wide range of short, focused videos to support targeted presentations. We can combine clear messaging with visually represented stats, narration and interviews with scientists, entrepreneurs and others relevant to restoration.


The Climate Restorers is a 4-part feature documentary series focusing on the evolving science of climate restoration and the role it can play in returning our climate to one in which all life can thrive.

 It is being filmed in countries across the world, and includes many of the world’s top climate and oceanographic scientists.  See interviewees.



Episode 3 focuses on ocean iron fertilization and ocean permaculture. We have already filmed in the Caribbean, covering sargassum, traveled to Germany to interview Victor Smetacek and covered a number of his experiments - what worked and what were the challenges. We will also be interviewing scientists from Woods Hole, filming in the Philippines and possibly, funds permitting, Australia.


Proposal for funding

Our global distributor, Bomanbridge Media, is representing the series to broadcasters and streaming platforms. We have retained the rights for showing the films:


  • In movie theaters

  • For educational purposes

  • For all short-form content


Our first screening of the project was to the UNFCCC at COP 27, and we have now started the screening of episode one on methane. Last week, we presented the series to the Washington State Legislature to give them a clearer understanding of the methane challenge, and why the work on methane removal is so important.  We would like to do more of this. 
























We are looking for individuals or companies to support each of the four episodes. The production cost of each episode is approximately $185,000. 


We partner with Earth Overshoot, a like-minded 501(c)3 nonprofit, to issue tax certificates. 


If required by individuals or companies, we can also offer 50% of sales income that accrues to the production, net of 35% distributor's commission.


Production of the four films in the series cost $840, 000. We have raised approximately $250,000, leaving a balance of $590,000. We (TMV) are covering the funding shortfall with a combination of cash and deferments, allowing us to complete the series.


Our financial commitment to the project is challenging to us, but considering the scale of the issue we all face, and the fact we have the resources and connections to present this information, we're comfortable with where we are. 





Production costs for each episode                             $185,000

Production costs for series of 4 episo                       $840,000

Cash support to date                                                    $240,000

Shortfall underwritten by TMV                                    $600,000


Support an episode (or part of)                                   $185,000

Investor receives 50% of net income if needed

Distributor's commission for sales & marketing                35%                                         

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Can you support an episode?
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